Storyategy by Matt Davis - Book Review
Unlock the power of your brand with a story-based branding strategy
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I hope everyone is keeping well!
If you would like to checkout last week’s Midweek Mix (Issue .08) I share what I have been up to, plus a new designer interview, a new book and some more insights.
I appreciate everyone who reads my newsletters and website content, and I thank you for being interested in what i am doing.
Let’s get into the Book Review!
Book Review Time! - Storyategy by Matt Davis
When it comes to branding a business, the power of storytelling is such an effective strategy in building a brand.
Storyategy by Matt Davies is a great book to help unlock the power of your brand with a story-based brand strategy.
The book goes through a simple 6 step process to build a powerful brand using the power of storytelling.
Storyategy by Matt Davis is a great book, and I really enjoyed reading it.
If you don’t know who Matt is, Matt Davies is a creative brand & marketing strategist with over 16 years of professional experience. He is a passionate advocate of using storytelling and ‘archetypal’ branding as the basis for marketing and business strategy.
Matt also hosts the JUSTBranding podcast with Jacob Cass, which is the only podcast I have listened to from time to time, as I am not a big podcast fan.
Don’t hate me, i prefer to read or watch a video that’s the way i learn more effectively, and i find the content is better prepared.
Matt was kind enough to send me a copy of his book and I would like to take this time to thank him once again. Thanks Matt it’s a great book - Well Done!
Matt is also taking part in our designer interviews, so keep your eyes open for that one!
Check out our book review a a Q&A with the author Matt Davis.
The book is available on both Amazon and Wordery
As I always say - “Stay curious & enthusiastic, and good things will happen!” 👍🏻
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I share a mixture of things on there such as Designer Interviews, Books, Flick Through Videos, and Insights.
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Learn Brand Strategy Online!
You will work with acclaimed brand strategist Fabian Geyrhalter to ensure you are set up with a strong brand platform for your venture so that your customer or client, as well as everyone on your team, will have clarity on what your brand stands for.
Master Your Brand Launch
“Branding is the first feature your target audience will be exposed to.” - Fabian Geyrhalter
The course includes:
✔ x2 Books written by Fabian Geyrhalter - How to launch a brand | Bigger Than This
✔Brand Workbook - Easily follow all exercises with your interactive PDF
✔2 free 1-on-1 advisory calls with Fabian
15 Video Classes 👇🏻
✔ Chapter 1: Your Tool box
✔ Chapter 2: What branding means to a startup
✔ Chapter 3: How to position your brand
✔ Chapter 4: Deriving your brand's story
✔ Chapter 5: Your brand values
✔ Chapter 6: Differentiating your brand
✔ Chapter 7: Crafting your brand's personality
✔ Chapter 8: Your brand legacy
✔ Chapter 9: The mission/vision statement / Schedule a call with Fabien
✔ Chapter 10: Your overarching brand identity
✔ Chapter 11: Your target audience
✔ Chapter 12: Understand in order to oust your competition
✔ Chapter 13: Your final positioning statement
✔ Chapter 14: Your brandDNA in one phrase
✔ Chapter 15: Your brand, summarized / Call with fabien to ensure your brand’s foundations are strong!